
How To Craft

Infinite Craft: How to Make Feathers
Infinite Craft: How to Make Feathers
Infinite Craft is an online game where you can create almost anything you can think of, starting with just four basic elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind.
Infinite Craft: How to Make Flying Trap
Infinite Craft: How to Make Flying Trap
In this article, you will find all the information you need to know on how to make Flying Trap in Infinite Craft. Infinite Craft is an online game where you can make pretty much anything you can think of,
Infinite Craft: How to Make Fire Fjord
Infinite Craft: How to Make Fire Fjord
Infinite Craft is an online game where you can make pretty much anything you can think of, starting with just four basic elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. You mix two things together and see what you get!
Infinite Craft: How to Make Snowbird
Infinite Craft: How to Make Snowbird
Infinite Craft is an online game where you can create almost anything starting with just four basic elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind.
 Infinite Craft: How to Make Swamp Monster
Infinite Craft: How to Make Swamp Monster
Infinite Craft is an engaging online game that allows players to unleash their creativity by combining basic elements like Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind to craft various items.

That’s not my Neighbor

Objectives of the Game

That's Not My Neighbor is a unique and suspenseful game that blends job simulation with monster-hunting thrills. Your objective is to safeguard the building by identifying and stopping human-imitating monsters who attempt to enter disguised as residents. You'll need to remain vigilant, utilize your observation skills, and make critical decisions to distinguish real humans from these dangerous imposters.

Game Mechanics and Rules

Players take on the role of a building guard responsible for managing entry and ensuring the safety of residents. The core gameplay revolves around checking the identities of individuals entering the building. This involves:

  • Identity verification: This is your primary task. You'll need to examine identification documents, compare them against resident records, and potentially conduct additional checks like asking questions or observing behavior.
  • Spotting inconsistencies: Monsters can mimic human appearance and behavior perfectly, but they might slip up in subtle ways. Pay close attention to inconsistencies in their movements, speech patterns, or responses to questions.
  • Making decisions: Based on your observations and verification process, you'll need to decide whether to grant access or raise the alarm. Incorrect decisions can have severe consequences, adding a layer of strategic tension.

How to Earn Points or Progress

Your primary objective is to successfully identify and prevent monsters from entering the building. Completing this task without letting any imposters pass through secures the safety of the residents and earns you points. Additionally, identifying imposters quickly and efficiently maximizes your score. As you progress through the game, the difficulty might increase, introducing new challenges and forcing you to adapt your strategies.

Tips & Tricks

  • Vigilance is Key: Maintain constant awareness of everyone entering the building. Even the most human-like monster can reveal a telltale sign with close observation.
  • Patterns are Your Allies: Familiarize yourself with the regular residents' routines and behavior. Recognizing their usual patterns can help you spot potential imposters who deviate from the norm.
  • Utilize the Tools: The game might offer tools like ID scanners, cameras, or special vision to aid in identifying monsters. Use these effectively to gain an edge.
  • Trust Your Gut: Sometimes, intuition can be your best weapon. If someone feels off or raises red flags, investigate further.
  • Prioritize Threats: Not all monsters pose the same level of danger. Focus on identifying and neutralizing the immediate threats first to ensure the residents' safety.
  • Stay Composed Under Pressure: As the game progresses, the tension might rise. Maintain calmness and focus to make clear decisions even in chaotic situations.
  • Build Alliances: Cooperate with other NPCs who can provide assistance in identifying imposters and securing the building. Teamwork can be a valuable asset.
  • Adaptability is Essential: Be prepared to adjust your strategies as the game introduces new elements. Stay flexible and try different approaches to overcome various challenges.
  • Resource Management: Manage your resources wisely, whether it's ammunition for gadgets, energy, or time. This helps you maintain optimal effectiveness throughout your shift.
  • Take Breaks: Don't underestimate the mental strain of guarding against disguised monsters. Remember to take breaks and recharge to avoid burnout.

Using Mouse and Keyboard

The game primarily utilizes a mouse and keyboard combination. You'll use the mouse to interact with the environment, select options, and navigate menus. The keyboard will likely be used for typing in responses, interacting with specific objects, or accessing additional commands.

With these tips and tricks, you'll be well-equipped to become a master guard in That's Not My Neighbor, ready to identify and stop the monstrous imposters from infiltrating the building!

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