
How To Craft

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What is the Rocks game?

Rocks Game is a simple yet engaging game that challenges players to outsmart their opponents by strategically choosing between different types of rocks. Often played with two players, the game involves selecting from a variety of rock types, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, in an attempt to dominate the playing field.

The objective of Rocks Game is to strategically outmaneuver your opponent by selecting the most advantageous rock type for each round of play. Players take turns choosing their rocks, which are typically represented by different hand gestures or symbols. The outcome of each round is determined by the interaction between the chosen rocks, with certain types having advantages over others.

While the basic premise of Rocks Game is simple, there is depth to the strategy involved. Players must carefully consider their opponent's likely choices and anticipate their next move in order to gain the upper hand. This often involves bluffing, misdirection, and psychological tactics to keep the opponent guessing.

One of the key aspects of Rocks Game is the variety of rock types available for players to choose from. Common variations include Rock, Paper, and Scissors, where Rock crushes Scissors, Scissors cuts Paper, and Paper covers Rock. However, there are countless other variations with additional rock types and unique interactions, adding to the complexity and intrigue of the game.

Rocks Game is not only a fun pastime but also a game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages. Its simplicity makes it easy to learn and play, while its strategic depth ensures that every match is a unique and engaging experience. Whether played casually with friends or in more competitive settings, Rocks Game is sure to provide hours of entertainment and excitement.

Game Objective

In Rocks Game, the objective is to build the most impressive rock collection. Players must use strategy to obtain rare and valuable rocks while blocking their opponents' efforts to do the same.


The game is played over several rounds, each comprising several phases:

Location Phase:

Players take turns choosing and placing their geologists at different geological locations. These locations offer different benefits, such as gaining extra rock cards or boosting the value of collected rocks.

Collection Phase:

Players reveal their rock collections and compare them based on certain criteria, such as rarity or beauty. The player with the most impressive collection earns bonus points.

Trading Phase:

Players can trade rocks and bonus tokens to enhance their collections or disrupt their opponents' efforts.

Evaluation Phase:

Players evaluate the value of their rock collections, factoring in bonuses and penalties. Points are tallied, and the player with the highest score wins.

Difference from Other Games

Rocks Game distinguishes itself from other board games in several ways: 

Unique Theme: The game's theme of rocks and minerals provides a refreshing departure from traditional board game themes.
Educational Element: Rocks Game offers players an opportunity to learn about different rocks and minerals while playing.
Strategy and Luck: Players must balance strategy and luck, as they must make strategic choices about where to send their geologists and which rocks to collect.
Variable Player Powers: Each player has unique geologist skill cards, offering different abilities that can influence the game's outcome.
Thematic Immersion: The game's design and components immerse players in the world of geology, creating an engaging and immersive experience.

How to play Rocks

Use the mouse to move the stones

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